Illinois Ministries

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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Eric's Philosophy of Flying

I have spoken about my philosophy of flying many times in different talks that I have given.  Basically, "Look down, no eye contact, be friendly, and get me to my destination."  I don't see it as a chance to have a captive audience or an opportunity to make a new friend.  That may be wrong - I admit that.  But last night was different.  I was flying from St Louis (on a plane with a few Cardinal Fans) flying to Atlanta to spend a week with friends who do the same sort of thing that I do - only they them better, so I am coming to learn,  but they don't know that!

The last guy on the plane carried a guitar case - he was older than me but vibrant and full of life.  Looking a little disappointed he was the last one on the flight, he found a place for his guitar case and sat in the middle seat next to me.  It was the 3rd best seat on the plane - the middle seat in the exit row with enough leg room to stretch and enjoy the flight.

Out of my mouth, before I could stop the words, I said, "You have to be a musician."  What did I do?  I broke my philosphy - the cardinal (had to use the word) rule: I spoke first!  This is not a good practice and I hung my head in shame.  He replied, "I am a composer."

He went on to tell me that an 20 year old dream and just come true.  A vision that I held dear for 20 years, was just recorded two weeks ago by the London Symphony Orchestra, recorded at the Abbey Road Studio.

What?  I said.  He assured me that it truly was.  An orchestration that he had been working and dreaming about for 20 years, telling everyone he could meet, playing it over and over for family and friends... the vision fell into to the right hands and within five minutes, the conductor of the London Symphony said he loved it and as soon as the orchestra came back in session - they would record it.

While he held his dream, he sold real estate in Naples, FL.  I am not sure of the other sacrifices or other jobs he held during his dream.  I am not sure what other cost he paid - but he never gave up. I have no idea how many people thought, "give up!".  I was moved to tears as he told me his story.  While I watched the Cubs Game on a plane with Cardinals fans; tears came quicker as he shared his life story all for the dream. Oh great, I am going to cry and the Cubs are winning.  Fortunately, I was not the only man on the plane crying because the Cardinals were losing.

He was already a great man, I could tell.  He came from incredible roots.  His father accomplished historic amazing things for the city of St Louis in the 60's and 70's including the vision of the Arch.  He was not a stranger to success.  Even selling real estate in Naples was a sign of success.

But the dream was still in his heart.  The vision wasn't realized.  Great things he had done but the best was still alive in his heart.  What could he do?  He worked his job, lived his life, played his music but the unrecorded, unheard musical was only alive in his heart.

Then one day, he shared it to the right person, who shared it with the right person and two weeks later he is skyping with the conductor of the London Symphony as they recorded his masterpiece.  The story behind "Queen of Hearts" is the life story of Princess Diana.

I wanted to hear it but wouldn't dare ask if I could have it?  I inquired about iTunes and he said, not yet but it will be.  As we neared Atlanta Airport he said, "Eric, could I share it with you? I can email it to you." I replied, "Of course, you made my day.  You have talked about your dream, I want to hear it."

He emailed it to me.  I just happened to pack my BOSE speaker (Bluetooth portable and amazing) - with my BOSE fully charged I opened the email and heard it.

Once again, moved to tears as I listened to this dream, a vision that embraces an artist's values and passion - it is one of the finest interpretations of love, honor, prestige, excitement, majestic...  friends, it was amazing.

I had ordered room service, the young lady who delivered my salad said, "that's beautiful Mr Livingston, it sounds like it is from England, is it?"  I fought back the tears again... Geesh was a sap!

I said, "I met the composer tonight and just am listening it to for the 2nd time, and yes, it was recorded by the London Symphony... for the Queen of Hearts and her life story."  She said, "My mom would love it, she loved Princess Diana."

I told her, "I am guessing she will hear it -- very soon -- because there is something viral about it."

This beautiful dark skinned young girl smiled and said, "It really is beautiful, I am from England and I think they will like it."

It would be wrong for me to share the link but you will hear it soon enough - Queen of Hearts recorded first by the London Symphony at the Abbey Road Studio - October 18.

A day that a vision became alive!  After 20 years.

Thanks for sharing it with me Craig Cervantes - for sharing your story, your vision, a 90 minutes of your life with a guy who usually sits with head down, facing forward and engaging with no one.  I wonder how many other stories I have missed with this selfish philosophy.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Discipleship Program or Not?

Should we have a Discipleship program in the church?  I don’t think the answer is a program.  Discipleship needs to be intentional and systemic so that it leaks into the culture of the church at every age level.

The strategy that I used was small groups and one on one relationships.  Small groups were taught by trained people that led others studying the Bible.  My favorite style was one on one (and maybe up to four).  I met with men for breakfast or lunch and had my devotions (study) time with them. I followed a model called SOAP. S=Scripture; O=Observation; A=Application; P=Prayer.

Effective discipleship is not about curriculum.  Its about helping, loving, and leading others to follow Jesus by being more and more like Jesus.  If you know how to love like Jesus and walk like Jesus then you can disciple someone.  Notice I did not say that you are perfect in every way like Jesus at all times.  We can teach others how to seek God, repent, read the Bible, pray and share their faith with others.

Find someone and study God’s Word together.  Learn the stories of Jesus – tell them over and over.  Even if you study a book by a favorite author – always be in the Word too.

Would you like to hear more about discipleship? Do you think it might help your church?  Would it help you? 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

A Meeting Filled with Hope - Sullivan Illinois

I met with the leaders of the Church of God in Sullivan earlier this week.  I was so encouraged by the topics of discussion.  You see, several years ago the topics of discussion were so typical of what I usually hear:
1)   We need a new program
2)   How are we ever going to turn the decline around
3)   How are we going to get new people
4)   We better keep the people that pay the bills happy
5)   We better keep the new people
6)   This family will leave if…
7)   I remember when…

But last week we were talking vision, discipleship, growing budgets, new families, assimilation, missional community outreach.  How cool is that?

It’s all about leadership and Pastor Brandon Zoll’s strategic thinking  - that has been bathed in prayer, study, and good preaching.   They have a long way to go to reach what their vision communicates but they are moving; just like the Church of God is suppose to be – movement!  They are reclaiming souls that the enemy had stolen.  They are reclaiming their city for Christ. It was a meeting filled with smiles and encouragement.  Even the oldest lady (that I thought was going to struggle with any change) was full of hope and excitement.

Many skills make for an effective pastor but there is one that must never be forgotten – we are disciple-makers.  Without making disciples, it doesn’t matter how good your personality is, how powerful your attractional model of worship is, how amazing people say your pastor preaches… it’s over if you don’t make disciples.

1)   Are you making disciples?  Are you reproducing yourself in someone else on a regular schedule and a strategic manner? 
2)   Is your church a disciple making church? Can you look at your congregation and point to someone that 10 years ago was not even a believer?

“But we don’t have a program”!  Discipleship is not a program.  It’s about being intentional to teach others how to read the Bible – the way you read it.  To teach someone to pray like you pray.  To tell people about Jesus and then teach them to tell people about Jesus.

The other day a friend and I were traveling in two separate cars to Springfield.  He was following me.  He called me and asked if we could meet at a restaurant once we arrived in Springfield.  I said, “yes, follow me as I follow Christ.” We laughed.  However, I couldn’t get the remark out of my mind.  I said it as a silly statement but what a powerful thought.  Can I really say to someone, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”  That’s discipleship!

Should we have a program of discipleship? 
Check back tomorrow at

Monday, August 24, 2015

No Drama Leadership

Browsing through a Barnes and Nobles is one of my favorite things to do. Being among books and browsing titles gets my creative juices flowing.  Adding a good cup of coffee while browsing only makes the experiences all the grander. 

I saw it, “No-Drama Leadership – How Enlightened Leaders Transform Culture in the Workplace”. I thought, how about the title, “No- Drama Church Leadership – How Enlightened Church Leaders Transform the Culture of Ministry?”

You see, it’s a lack of leadership not spirituality that is problematic most of the time.  Unless we take responsibility for healthy relationships in the church, people will continue to get hurt.  I know, I have hurt people badly.  I’ve been wounded deeply. My stomach has been left in knots after people scolded me for what I did or didn’t do.  I have literally trembled in horror that my poor decision or leadership caused such a nasty reaction. 

What would my book say?  First, I would write based upon experience of not doing the right things. I seriously have wondered if my spiritual gift was, "making mistakes".   Here are few chapters that I would include:

1)      Don’t promote people to positions of responsibility without training them continually.

2)      The personal values of the pastor and leaders should be aligned with stated values of the church.  Otherwise, there will be a lack of accountability and awareness.  For instance, if the church says, ‘we value family’ the leaders need to model what that looks like.  If the church honors “God’s Word” the leaders better be in God’s Word.  If a value is 'lost people matter to God' you better be reaching people for Jesus. If Jesus is the subject, He needs to be the subject in your life.

3)      I would have a ministry coach that constantly takes me to self-awareness.  I see pastors and churches killing their ministries because of this!  They don’t have a clue how they are coming across to others.  I remember having to tell a pastor that people think that he is arrogant.  His response, "really"?  Another pastor was criticized for being aloof but it never really mattered to him.

4)       When making changes – move slowly and give several opportunities for people to gain an understanding of the ‘why’ behind the change, they are less inclined to resist them. 

5)      Address issues immediately and correct course as needed.  Hoping an issue will resolve itself never works.  This includes personnel, sin, worship, children’s ministries, youth ministry, missions, etc… People will respect you for immediate attention. I had a phone call today from a pastor that said, "Eric, because you are handling this today, you won't have to handle a year from now when the problem would be worse and involve more people."

6)      Leaders must be put time and energy into understanding and knowing those you are leading.  Shaking hands on a Sunday Morning is not “relationship building”.  Doing life together is relationship building.  I do not understand leaders that are the first ones out the door on a Sunday Morning.  I do not understand pastors that hide in their office or leaders that don’t drink coffee at least once a week with their team.

7)      Without good communication – drama will result.  More drama has been caused by me assuming people understand my intentions or could read my mind than any other thing. 

Do you have any chapters that you would add?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Shepherd, Lead Us!

 This is a letter that I sent to Senior Pastors as they prepare for Sunday Morning following the violent week of killing in Charleston, SC.  I am encouraging Pastors to be a Shepherd and lead their people in Romans 12:15 - weep with those that are weeping.

Shepherds!  I hope you never grow tired of hearing that title. Perhaps Shepherd and Servant Leader were two of the words that I prayed that the congregation I was serving saw more in my life than any other title that was attached to my name.

Shepherds, you have a great opportunity tomorrow in worship.  I am not referring to Father’s Day or perhaps a sermon with three points that begin with the same letter.  I am referring to the shepherding moment that you have with the congregation regarding the horrendous acts of violence, death,  and murder brought upon 9 precious people in Charleston, SC this week.  This senseless act of violence is not a time to raise a political bias or argue about race.  It is a time for Romans 12:15 – weep with those that are weeping.  My heart is broken.  My heart is broken for the families of these precious saints.  He heart is crying for their families tonight.  My heart is bleeding for black brother and sisters that are afraid, that are tired of racism, that are angry – my friends, it is not well with my heart tonight.

With the horrible acts of violence brought on by hatred and bigotry, friends, I feel more and more that I don’t belong in this world.  I don’t want to belong to a divided people.  I don’t want to belong to people who hate a color of skin or think less of a people who speak a different language.

And then I remember that I belong to a Kingdom of Peace – where love is the law.  I belong to a kingdom where broken hearts are healed, rich men give, dead men live and sinners become royalty.  I belong to a Kingdom of Peace where the color of your skin can be different from mine but you are my brother and sister.  I belong to a Kingdom whose King will reign supremely and will fill my heart with overflowing joy and confidence that this world is not my final home.

This Kingdom of Peace is what the world needs.  Preach the Kingdom message tomorrow – keep Jesus central – because, in the words of Andre Crouch’s song – Jesus is the answer.

Please take time to weep tomorrow.  Please take time to pray tomorrow.  You may not be popular by calling your church to remember, pray or weep.  Do it anyway.  Use your shepherd title wisely tomorrow.

I am praying for you as you lead,

Shepherd of Illinois Ministries

Friday, June 5, 2015

Does Mission Matter?

The church doesn’t have a mission, the mission has a church!

I’m not sure who said the true statement first but I have used it repeatedly as I have coached and mentored pastors and church leaders.  I have read mission statements that are long and short.  I have read a few that do not make sense to me and others that I wish I would have thought of first.  I have read mission statements that are really more vision statements but try to not argue about the correctness because the desire of my heart is that pastors and church leaders have clarity to what they are doing.

What is the difference between Mission and Vision?  It is easier to start by thinking about vision.  I encourage you to define vision as something that is seen, it is a preferred future that taps into your kingdom potential.  A mission is what you do.

Lisa and I have a mission and vision for our marriage.  Our mission is to have a healthy and growing marriage.  Our vision is to grow old together, enjoy one another, know each other deeply, never lose intimacy… Our vision is to laugh together and appreciate each other, it is to touch one another and feed one another with kindness and forgiveness. 

Do you see the difference?  The mission is basic and simple.  But the vision describes a healthy marriage that we desire, not that we have already attained it but we press forward.

For the church, the mission is connected to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.  It is basic and simple to understand.  The mission is to make disciples. Some churches say, “love God, love others and serve the world” while others proclaim, “reach up, reach in and reach out”.  It is based on the model that Jesus left for us, it is the task that the Savior requires of us.  We are God’s plan to change the world by the message of hope and salvation for the world.

What do you do?  How would you say it?  Remember, mission is not your preferred future or how you do what you do.  It is basic and simply said, share and to the point.

Think about mission and discuss it at your next board meeting.  Download the free worksheet that helps churches define mission for their unique calling.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Why I Believe in Summer Camps

The average American Youth spends
82 minutes on the phone per day
6 minutes reading per day...

80 minutes playing games per day
27 minutes of the computer per day
only 4 minutes per day outside.

At Camp Warren...

There is a chance to be known and loved
To be in the beauty of nature
To help navigate the TOUGH decisions of teens
Time to Think without distractions
Caring adult role models
High adventure environments
A community where risks can be taken and important questions can be asked.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Shameless plug for my blog!

This might be the first time you have visited my blog.  I know, shameless way to get more traffic but the post would be too long for Facebook.  As you read through the blog, please observe, I break every rule for blog writing.  I am not consistent.  Content is all over the map.  I haven't updated my favorite books or blogs that I have read..... But someday... I will make the major leap to Word Press and leave blogger - I will become a "real blogger". 


I have been extremely humbled by the kindness, prayers, and concerns given through Facebook and messages over the last couple of weeks. Thank you.  I am so glad that God allowed our paths to cross - my life is richer because of you.  I decided to share the whole experience since several people have inquired for details.,

About a month ago, I noticed I was having trouble seeing out of my right eye.  I have had a blind spot for about 10 years in that eye.  A decade ago, I was told, you must have some pressure in your head but I had zero headaches. 10 Years ago the only pressure I was feeling was two teenage daughters.  A few weeks ago, the blind spot moved and I started getting headaches. 

Eye Doctor Visit: My eye doctor ordered an MRI stat.  Talked to my MD and they referred me to a neurologist.  Diagnosis: Papadilemma and Pseudotumor.  Layman terms: Swelling in the brain caused by a fake tumor normally found in obese women that are pregnant.  Read that again and try not to smile, laugh, or think about who you can tell first.

Neurologist: Confirmed everything that the MD and Radiologist said and didn't seem too worried.  My headaches were tolerable as long as I didn't read or spend too much time in front of the computer.  He scheduled me for a Spinal Tap.  I had that on April 15.  I paid my taxes and had a needle that felt like a giant straw inserted in my spine.   

Since then - the fluid was clear (that is very good). Waiting on the rest of the results but I am confident that it will come back clear.  I am hoping the tap drained enough fluid to be free from the sham of a tumor and headaches.

However, 20% of people that have spinal taps get an extra blessing - the Mother Of All Headaches.  I was chosen.  I tried to tough it out yesterday by trying to be stronger than the pain - I lost.  So today, I have been brought down for the 4th day in a row.  I am pinned and I surrender.  As soon as this spinal headache is over, I think the results of all this will be - take better care of yourself.  Can you believe that?  I told Lisa when all this started, "I bet you this is all going to come back to: exercise and eat right and lessen your stress load, Mr. Livingston." I knew it.  That's the hard part.  That's the embarrassing thing about this whole thing.  I knew what I was suppose to be doing before any of this happened.

Why is that such a hard lesson? Do what you know you are suppose to do.  It's not a sure guarantee of a problem free life but it sure leads to peace at night.  My mom and dad both worked outside of the home and in the summer, mom would leave a list of things for us kids to do before she got home.  We knew if that list wasn't completed and done correctly, we were in trouble. There were two kinds of days for me back then, days that I would knock out the list and play all day.  And there were days that I would play all day and try to knock off the list 20 minutes before she walked in the door.,

It's the law of Pay Now - Play Later vs. Play now - Pay later.  I am reaping some things that I have sown.  Some good things - some not exactly what I wanted.  But it's okay.  Because today is a fresh day to start something new.  Maybe I should write about those things next. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Prayer of Invocation

Recently I sat down with Pastor Tim Lusitana for lunch and he was sharing with me how thrilling it was to be asked to give the Prayer of Invocation at the Capital Building in Springfield as our Representative opened their session.  As he spoke about the beauty of the Springfield's Capital building and the hospitality that others showed him, I could tell that this was truly an event that he would never forget.

After he prayed, a few comments were made like, "that was amazing", "great prayer", "you nailed it".  I asked him for a copy of the prayer so I could post it on the blog.  I have given several "community" event prayers and sometimes struggle with what exactly to say.  As Tim shared with me his prayer I thought - he did nail it!  Notice how he celebrates, honors, and respects and stays totally away from any issues.

As we come to pray today. May today’s session start with meditation and reverence to clear our hearts and minds to be productive for the State of Illinois. My heart is full of thanksgiving for all of the State Representatives. For their service and love for the State of Illinois and the particular areas they represent.
I pray a blessing on their families. May they find time to grow closer with their spouses even in the midst of a hectic schedule. I pray a blessing on their children. Many here have sons, daughters, grandsons and granddaughters. I ask for protection and prosperity for all of their young ones. Not only have our Representatives sacrificed but their families have also. I just want to honor that here today.
 As leaders may we not be driven by ego but may we be driven by servant hood. Help us all to resist the temptations of giving into selfishness and injustice. May we all wear a banner of team work, forgiveness, inclusion, charity, and love. May we treat today as our last day so it will be the best day for this House of Representatives. In the name of Jesus Amen.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

At the close of this day!

A glimpse into my day...

Spoke with a pastor that is leading his congregation to turn inward so they can effectively turn upward which will naturally lead to an outward expression of mission.  I love strategy!

Spoke with another pastor that has been caught in the trap of pleasing people - and it's not going too well.  At the conclusion of the conversation, he was determined to discern the voice of the Father and please Him!  What a break through!

A church member called about a conflict.  The way they want to resolve the conflict is not possible.  Asked lots of questions, prayed over the phone, hung up thinking that I wasn't much help.  Burdened for him and the church tonight.

Went to the mailbox and was waiting on much needed mail.... we are thousands of dollars behind in giving this month... can't figure out why... worried, couldn't sleep last night.  Nothing in the mailbox but laughed and came inside.

Colleague marched into my office and shared with me the story of Jesus and the storm and said, it's just a storm Eric - Jesus is with us.

Heard a Facebook message that I wrote to some old friends was read at a funeral service today and thought about the power of words, written words, my words.  Those happened to bless but what about the one's that have hurt.

Prepared for an Elder's meeting....

Something major clogged the septic lines - that could cost big bucks.  Why when you want to spend money on ministry do you have to put up with ... well you know... the stuff in septic lines.

Ate 2 cookies that were still warm to celebrate Swen's birthday and remembered I was suppose to be fasting with fruits and vegetables.  Sorry God...

And now to go home and maybe paint a ceiling - or maybe just watch continuous episodes of the Law & Order (2009-2012) Not the Sexual Hideous Crimes one but the one that is 30 minutes cops and 30 minutes courtroom.

Nothing went as planned but for some reason there is peace in my storm tonight.  Doesn't make sense, it is like a peace that passes understanding.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Singing Church

Yesterday I posted something on worship.  I thought this blog followed up the my blog well.  It is on "why we sing in worship".

I don't know the writer but I really love his thoughts:

Friday, February 6, 2015

Does this matter?

I have lots of discussions about worship. How long should it be? What songs should we sing? Are we contemporary because we use a guitar and drums? What is traditional? What is blended? Does style matter? Shouldn't we focus on God? Shouldn't we focus on new people? Should worship be evangelistic? Is worship for the believer?

This is an article that Bob Whitesel posted last week that has caused disconcertment in me as I have read it over and over... Yet, as a consultant he is watching growing churches and what is working.  While I don't disagree with his findings, how could I, they are his.  Isn't it just another form? 

A few years ago, jokes were made regarding churches that used a plug and play:
Call to Worship
Scripture & Offering
Special (that wasn't very special)\

Will we not crack jokes in the future about the new plug and play?

I think the title bothered me the most:  "The best celebration order to grow a church"

Here's what Bob said:
by Bob Whitesel, 2/4/15.
After almost 30 years consulting, I have noticed that growing churches have a similar and very concise worship order.
Here it is:
10:30 – 10:35, welcome and announcements
10:35 – 10:55, 20 minutes of uninterrupted worship
10:55 – 10:57, pastor comes onto the platform and asks people to pass the offering. There is no prayer, no special music, no bumper, just the offering being passed while the sermon begins. 10:57 – 11:17 sermon with two (maximum) take-away points
11:17 – 11:20 closing prayer
11:20 – 11:40 empty and refilling of the auditorium for another service.

> A 50 minute service is the most common length for growing churches. > The hourly times are approximate.
> 10:30 AM on Sunday appears in my observations to be the time when most unchurched people still have available to attend church.
> These times are replicated regardless of what day and/or time the service starts: 8, 8:30, 9:00 AM, 5, 5:30, 6 PM, etc.

But, you get the idea regarding how fast-paced and concise the worship services are in growing churches that I have observed.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why I Think Coaching Works


1.  Let’s define a clear purpose.

So many churches and pastors struggle with defining a clear purpose.  They can tell me what they do: Weekend Services, preach, visit, teach, etc…  They can even tell me how they go about doing what they do.  For the most part, they are very confident in their techniques.  What they struggle articulating is WHY they do what they do, REALLY.

 What is the purpose behind a message?  What is the purpose behind a visit?  What is the purpose behind a meeting?

 There’s a good chance you do what you were told to do or taught to do.  For instance, I took Monday’s off for years because my mentor took Mondays off.  Thursday was my study day because my pastor 40 years ago talked about his Thursday study day.

 Discovering WHY you do something is important. 

 So, WHY do you preach?  Teach, Transform, Help, Encourage…. Once you answer the why then you can adjust ‘what’.

 Now let’s ask this:  Why do you church?

 2.  Who is in your corner?

 I want to know who the pastor has on his team.  Who is supportive?  Who is on the team?  Working with a great team is power.

“Give a great idea to a mediocre team and they will mess it up.  But give a mediocre idea to a great team, and they will pull it off or make it better,” writes Ed Catmull, the President of Pixar.

Have you ever written a sermon with a team?  Planned an event with a team?  I am not talking about a committee but high powered individuals that are passionate about walking with you.  There’s nothing like it. 

I have worked with people that have drained the life out of me and I have worked with others that bring the best out in me – who do you think I would rather work with?

3.  Goals Vs Plans.

When I first started in ministry 30 years ago it was all about setting goals but then no time given to implementing a plan.  Then the pendulum shifted to plans and goals were not talked about.  I think both are important.

Goals are worth anything without a plan?

Do you want to be a better preacher?  What’s the plan?

Do you want your church to grow 20% this year?  What’s the plan?

Do you want your church to become a praying church?  What’s the plan?

Want to be a better husband?  What’s your plan?

Set goals then work the plan.

This is what a coach can help with.  As I work with pastors and church leaders, I am constantly talking about these three areas – What is your purpose?  Who can help you?  What's the plan?

I would love to help your church or your pastor with this?  Let me know how I could serve you?

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Finding Our Biblical Story
This is an exercise that I have used with several churches.   The process helps to define how God is shaping their vision.  The experience is rewarding and helpful as you consider your Future Story (vision). It's hard to know to define where you are going until you know where you currently are located!

Purpose:  To discern how God is at work in our congregation by tapping into a biblical story and using it as a frame of reference.

Key Verse:  Jeremiah 33:3

Bible Study:

Study Romans 15:1-6. What are some biblical stories that God has used in your own life to provide endurance and encouragement? Why is this story so powerful in shaping our attitudes and actions? What are the benefits for our congregation in connecting to a biblical story?

Key Questions:

Which biblical story best describes our current reality and the challenges before us?


The biblical story helps us to see ourselves in light of the Scriptures. It provides a means of interpreting how the Spirit is moving in this current season of life and ministry together. The story helps us to see ourselves in light of God’s larger plan throughout history. Through the story, God gives us endurance, encouragement, and understanding.

Ministry Description:

·       Invite individuals to participate in this process.  Members should have good biblical knowledge.

·       Implement the process.

·       Report back to the leadership after the story is discerned.

·       Get the word out to the rest of the congregation.

Creating the Experience:

·       Select a two- to three- hour block of time.

·       Invite twenty people to participate.

o   Use the following criteria for invitations:

o   Spiritually mature in discerning

o   Workable knowledge of the Scripture

o   Good understanding of the church’s history

o   Team player

o   Key influencers

Sample Agenda:

·       Welcome/introductions/refreshments

·       Cast the vision for finding our biblical story.

o   Refer to the Scriptures above.

o   Share an example from your own life.

o   Ask others to reflect on the their own experience when a biblical story really influenced their attitudes and actions.

·       Give an example for the church.

o   One church discerned that the story of Mary and Martha was appropriate for them. The church was embroiled in conflict. Half the church was full of “Marys” and the other half was full of “Marthas.” People began to see themselves and their situation in light of this story. God used the power of the living word to bring understanding, forgiveness, and healing.

·       Pray for wisdom and guidance.

·       Give directions:

o   Explain that you will each take forty-five minutes to be alone with God and to search the scriptures.

o   During that time, consider which biblical story best represents where we are as a church right now and how the Spirit is moving among us. Or, which biblical story best represents right now and how the Spirit is moving among us. Or, which biblical story best represents our current reality and the challenges before us? Write this framing question (or a similar one) on a flip chart.

·       Dismiss the group for forty-five minutes.

·       Take a ten- or fifteen-minute break, then return to the large group.

·       Each person then has five minutes to share which story they sensed God leading them to.

o   Explain why this is a significant story for the church right now.

o   Assign a timekeeper so the meeting does not stall.

·       Do not allow others to comment on each story. The focus at this time is to hear from each other, not to place value judgments on anything yet. The value judgment happens during the discernment process, which you will see below includes time for prayer and for the Holy Spirit to guide the group to a consensus.

o   Move through the process, person by person.

·       Record responses on the flip chart.

·       After each person has shared, pray again, asking God to lead the group to the story that seems the best story for your church right now.

·       Come to a consensus about the one story.

·       Do not vote. Simply discern as a group where God is leading.

·       Pray again, thanking God for leading the group in discernment process.

·       At the close of the meeting, ask people to keep the story confidential until it can be shared with leadership.

·       Share the story with the  leadership for confirmation.

·       Creatively communicate the story to the congregation at large.

·       Keep in mind that this story is relevant to the church’s current season of life and ministry. In a year or two, repeat the process to stay nimble and responsive to the Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 43:18-19).