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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Shameless plug for my blog!

This might be the first time you have visited my blog.  I know, shameless way to get more traffic but the post would be too long for Facebook.  As you read through the blog, please observe, I break every rule for blog writing.  I am not consistent.  Content is all over the map.  I haven't updated my favorite books or blogs that I have read..... But someday... I will make the major leap to Word Press and leave blogger - I will become a "real blogger". 


I have been extremely humbled by the kindness, prayers, and concerns given through Facebook and messages over the last couple of weeks. Thank you.  I am so glad that God allowed our paths to cross - my life is richer because of you.  I decided to share the whole experience since several people have inquired for details.,

About a month ago, I noticed I was having trouble seeing out of my right eye.  I have had a blind spot for about 10 years in that eye.  A decade ago, I was told, you must have some pressure in your head but I had zero headaches. 10 Years ago the only pressure I was feeling was two teenage daughters.  A few weeks ago, the blind spot moved and I started getting headaches. 

Eye Doctor Visit: My eye doctor ordered an MRI stat.  Talked to my MD and they referred me to a neurologist.  Diagnosis: Papadilemma and Pseudotumor.  Layman terms: Swelling in the brain caused by a fake tumor normally found in obese women that are pregnant.  Read that again and try not to smile, laugh, or think about who you can tell first.

Neurologist: Confirmed everything that the MD and Radiologist said and didn't seem too worried.  My headaches were tolerable as long as I didn't read or spend too much time in front of the computer.  He scheduled me for a Spinal Tap.  I had that on April 15.  I paid my taxes and had a needle that felt like a giant straw inserted in my spine.   

Since then - the fluid was clear (that is very good). Waiting on the rest of the results but I am confident that it will come back clear.  I am hoping the tap drained enough fluid to be free from the sham of a tumor and headaches.

However, 20% of people that have spinal taps get an extra blessing - the Mother Of All Headaches.  I was chosen.  I tried to tough it out yesterday by trying to be stronger than the pain - I lost.  So today, I have been brought down for the 4th day in a row.  I am pinned and I surrender.  As soon as this spinal headache is over, I think the results of all this will be - take better care of yourself.  Can you believe that?  I told Lisa when all this started, "I bet you this is all going to come back to: exercise and eat right and lessen your stress load, Mr. Livingston." I knew it.  That's the hard part.  That's the embarrassing thing about this whole thing.  I knew what I was suppose to be doing before any of this happened.

Why is that such a hard lesson? Do what you know you are suppose to do.  It's not a sure guarantee of a problem free life but it sure leads to peace at night.  My mom and dad both worked outside of the home and in the summer, mom would leave a list of things for us kids to do before she got home.  We knew if that list wasn't completed and done correctly, we were in trouble. There were two kinds of days for me back then, days that I would knock out the list and play all day.  And there were days that I would play all day and try to knock off the list 20 minutes before she walked in the door.,

It's the law of Pay Now - Play Later vs. Play now - Pay later.  I am reaping some things that I have sown.  Some good things - some not exactly what I wanted.  But it's okay.  Because today is a fresh day to start something new.  Maybe I should write about those things next.