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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why some churches never give in

I’m reading “How The Mighty Fall” by Jim Collins.  He talks about stages of decline in great companies.  As I am reading this historical study of great companies that are no longer around.  I am struck by the comparison of when churches lose their greatness.  Allow me to use Jim Collin’s idea and simplify his wording.

Stage One: Pride.  Great churches begin their fall by thinking, “we are more holy” or “we have a greater vision” or “nothing is gonna change about the way we do things”.  I have heard every one of these comments and worse.  It appears that many churches that are in decline have a sense of pride about it.  Thinking that they will bounce back.  Almost thankful they have fewer people because they don't have as many problems.  Some even think that if they had a different pastor (silver bullet) that would solve their problems.  While it is possible that pastors can bottleneck a church it is very seldom the pastor’s sole fault that the church is in decline. 

I have talked to pastors and they are looking for a silver bullet too.  A new program, a new worship leader, a new facility AND THEN we would turn around.  I stand in awe of how a new church can begin in a city and people get saved, baptized and discipled when three blocks away sits a dead declining church.  What is more amazing to me is that the dead church has a sense of pride about being in decline. 
Pride that they have not ‘watered the gospel’ down to nothing. Pride that they are not about to build Six Flags Over Jesus. Pride that they have uncomfortable pews while those young kids want chairs and drums and coffee in the sanctuary.

I am not saying that pews and the ‘no coffee’ rule will put your church in decline!  But that type of pride will send you into a spiral and you may never recover.  But hey, at least the carpet won't be stained. I have sat with five groups of leaders in different churches as they voted to close their church.  It is sad and disheartening no matter how you try and spin it.  They all have similar things they say and they all have similar things they have done.  That’s another article!

Questions to think about:
  • 1)   Are we growing, plateaued, or declining?
  • 2)   What keeps you from being a great church?
  • 3)   What are the excuses you have heard that keeps your church from reaching the lost?
  • 4)   What are signs of humility in your church?
  • 5)   What are signs of pride in your church?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Take yourself less seriously

I live in a world that is performance driven.  Most of the pressure I have in my life would ease up if I would allow them.  I know the pressure is not coming from God.  I don’t think pressure is the tool of choice to mold and shape us that God prefers.  I’m confident that God will use pressurized situations. God will use busy schedules or God will use seasons of absent Sabbaths to reach us.  However, God also could just as easy use a rainy day like today or a crisp fall day like yesterday to speak to us. 

God wants to work ‘in’ you more than He wants to work ‘through’ you.  What does that say to performance driven people?  At the end of the day it means the question I need to ask is “God, what are you doing in my life – what are you wanting to chip at, bless or talk about?”  Honestly, it’s often, “God, I sure worked hard today for you, I earned the check today, Father!  I sure honored you by the encouragement I shared with that pastor."

Then I remember – God is interested in what He’s doing in me not through me.  Could it be that the most productive time I spend with God is early in the morning with a cup of coffee and my Bible?  Maybe it’s not the conference call or counseling time?  Perhaps it’s not a meeting that I led well but the time in the car following the meeting while I’m alone with God praying or listening to “great things He has taught us, great things He has done and great our rejoicing through Jesus, God’s Son. Praise the Lord!”

I need to take myself less seriously and take God more seriously.