Illinois Ministries

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stay the Course

Supposedly a 18 year old is suppose to make it through college in four years.  It was my goal to graduate in four years when I attended Anderson College (now University) because of the debt that both my wife and I were receiving upon graduation.  My question is, how can a 18 year old possibly know how to launch a major and stay the course?  I suppose it is possible.  I started in music, switched to education and ended in ministry, and I knew what I wanted!   That change came because I sensed a calling to ministry.  That one calling allowed be to set my course and by the grace of God and not great academics, I graduated in four years.

As I consult with churches and talk with leaders I am convinced that one of the main reasons churches are wandering in the desert is that they haven't heard the call.  Or as my friend John called it today at lunch 'revelation received'.  How can you stay the course when you don't know the direction or when you haven't heard the call?

Once you are convinced of the direction, ministry is not about spinning plates or new programs.  It's about living each day on mission.  It's not about being driven but showing up where your body is and recognizing the moments for what they are... it is what it is!

I had a pastor ask last night, "how do you get a vision?"  I am going to write about that next but would love to hear your comments before I write... 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

5 Reasons a Church Stops Growing

The original thought of this blog came from Ron Edminson's blog.  Google Reader allows me to follow several bloggers including a few of our own pastors in IL.  My favorite bloggers are people that I didn't know existed 6 months ago.  It's fast, easy and gives you more ideas on anything you want than you can imagine.

Most books that I am reading now have come from recommendations from blogs. 

Now before you read the 5 Reasons a Church Stops Growing ...  I know that God is ultimately in charge of a church's growth. There are times where God is giving a season of rest and preparation for a church for something to come. In some situations, God may have even taken His hand from the church like blowing out a candle...

The book of Acts models for us that God is into church growth!   It’s our mission as believers to produce disciples, and our model example of the first century church was a growing church, so outside the God factor, there are usually reasons for stagnation in a church. Because the church is an organization made up of people, these reasons are often similar to those you may find true as to why growth stalls in the life of an organization also.
Here are  few possible reasons:
You get comfortable…It’s okay to be comfortable, but when you hang out there too long, it can be dangerous, because you stop trying new things to spur growth and excitement.
You quit dreaming…Dreams inspire, challenge, and grow people and organizations. You’ll never dream bigger than the dreams God has for you or your church.
You stop taking risks…You can’t succeed at anything without a measure of risk. Playing it safe never grows anything. The call of God always involves risk-taking.
You start maintaining…When you fall into the mode of protecting what you have, you’ll be less likely to encourage growth for fear of losing ground.
You fail to walk by faith...Especially for the church…we are a faith-based organization. If you aren’t walking by faith in what you are doing…it’s impossible to please God. (That’s Biblical…look it up!)

Friends, I am working every day to create healthy growing churches in the Church of God in IL.  It is an honor to serve you and my Savior this way.  I am praying for you.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Urgency - family matters

I woke up yesterday in Decatur, IL ready for my two final days in the office before heading home and working from Shorewood next week. I was looking forward to breakfast with my wife, and lunch, and dinner.... But then then the phone rang.

My uncle who lives in AZ had a few hours to live and I needed to go be with my aunt. My brother and cousins have been changing turns during the illness. However, by this time we were literally handing off assignments so my aunt would not be alone. They are 94 and have never had children. We have been their kids!

My point- it's amazing how urgency can change plans to a busy and well ordered life. That's the life of every pastor... The day is planned for sermon writing and someone calls for counseling. You plan to run to the hospital and take the afternoon off but you end up visiting with the family for the afternoon. You are crunching for a meeting and your youth pastor needs coaching at Starbucks.

Here is what I love about pastors - you see these interruptions as holy interruptions and trust that God will take our well developed plans and make it okay!

God bless you and may your holy interruptions this day be blessed.

I have to go board the plane with my holy interruption.

Love ya!