*taken from newsletter article from Rock Springs Church of God in Decatur, IL
Don't know if you like amusement parks? If you do maybe you have said something like, "Oh what a ride!" I know I have said that many times I had a thrill on a rollercaoster. I have that same feeling pastoring Rock Springs Church of God. Let me just say it after serving the last 7 months as your pastor, "Oh what a ride"
It has been the thrill of my life to preach, teach, visit, evangelize, disciple and love the people. Thanks so much for getting on the ride with me and experiencing the thrill together.
The theme of our church is, "Becoming all things to all people". It is a challenge to serve. It is a challenge to get beyond our prejudices. It excites me so much to see you catch the vision. We witnessed this by you serving Enterprise Elementary through your giving of food baskets, warm clothes and volunteering each week. I get positive reports on how we have been affecting student's lifes. The eighty Christmas Shoe Boxes that were donated show your love for children abroad and I just want to thank you for your commitment to missions. So proud to see you serve, in whatever capacity that you serve.
We have seen our children's ministry and youth ministry grow. What amazing leaders that have been sent to invest in our most prized possession, our children. For without them both the leaders and the students, we would not see the vision of Rock Springs carried through generation after generation. Im so excited to see what God has in store for them.
Rock Springs continues to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For without Him, none of what I wrote about would be possible. It is only by His strength, spirit and power that we exist. I am glad to just be on His team.
*taken from Pastor Tim Lusitana's article
Before I tell you the rest of the story I want you to notice how many times Pastor Tim encourages the volunteers with great words like, "Im proud of you." As I reflect back over 25 years I wish I would have said that more... Just a thought now for the rest of the story.
Rock Springs had less than 20 people in July 2010. They didn't know what to do until someone connected them with Pastor Tim. Pastor Tim was just starting the search for a pastoral position and went to talk with Rock Springs. He had been a youth pastor at Rock Springs several years earlier. He agreed to candidate if they would agree to change... to embrace his vision for a missional church... to let go of a few sacred cows... to be open to new things...
Desperate people do desperate things and they said "Yes!"
Now let me say to them - Im proud of you!
He and his dear wife Adrian started the ministry at Rock Springs on all cylinders. God has sent experienced youth leaders, a dynamic children's pastor, a great worship team to lead with them. It's hard to count the new conversions and baptisms. For the last three weeks the church has had over 135 people in attendance. They are out of parking and are praying about starting their first capital fund campaign for future ministry projects.
I believe we have only seen the beginning of what God is going to do with Rock Springs and the leadership team over the next 10 years.
Oh what a ride! And Tim - Im proud of you too!
Praise the Lord for His great work at Rock Springs! Keep it going Tim and Adrienne!