Lincoln Avenue Church of God
Dixon, IL
On February 20, 2011, Lincoln Avenue Church of God installed Mike and Carrie Worrell as their new pastor. Prior to the Worrell's coming the congregation had suffered tremendous losses and were questioning if they would survive a few more years. The energy level was about a 5%. They were concerned over survival, paying their bills, boring worship, no vision.
Mike, who grew up in the church was home for a visit and was asked to preach. The few members called everyone they knew to announce that Mike was home and he agreed to preach and his wife was going to sing and lead worship. They started calling the service a homecoming.
The place was full. For one Sunday, the few members of Lincoln Ave Church of God thought, what if this could happen every Sunday. They asked Mike if he and Carried would be interested in coming home to Dixon to pastor. Mike said "no". He was pastoring a growing church in Southeast MO and his wife Carrie was full time worship leader on staff as well. The church in MO had grown significantly under their ministry and they were excited. The people at Lincoln Ave. kept praying.
When the Worrells returned to MO, they couldn't leave the experience in Dixon behind. They started praying and felt like God was telling them to go to Dixon. They called the few people in Dixon and said they felt like God was telling them to come home. The people in Dixon said, "we knew He would!"
The Worrells left a nice home, two full time jobs, and uprooted their three beautiful daughters and moved to Dixon after Christmas. They moved into a parsonage that needed significant upgrades. Both he and Carried have found full time jobs. The kids are in a new school.
As if you are not moved yet - the story gets better.
The last time I was in Dixon with 12 people I could see no hope! A few days ago I preached the installation service for Mike and Carrie. I am telling you the place is full of energy. Young people are singing in a worship team, they had an ensemble sing that was spectacular, the laughter and excitement is contagious, a children and youth ministry has been started. There were a minimum of 90 people in attendance maybe even 100. The fellowship hall was so full after the service people had to walk sideways through the aisle. I cannot express in words what I felt as I spoke with people on Sunday - brand new christians, people that have returned to home, seekers... it was thrilling.
The church is meeting next week to already revisit Pastor Mike's salary. Much needed work on the facility is being done. When you plan a budget with 12 people giving and in 8 weeks grow to 80 people you have a few extra dollars to do ministry.
I lift up Christ! I write this to remind you - Jesus did this! Jesus gave the hope to Lincoln Ave Church of God. Jesus spoke to Mike and Carrie. Jesus touched their daughters to make them okay with the move. Jesus is moving in the hearts of new people at Lincoln Ave. And Jesus will continue to move in the city of Dixon for his glory. All Jesus needs is for you to believe and stay open to His movement.
Oh the power of two words, "Yes Jesus!"
Love this amazing article, Eric!! God is in the business of transforming lives for His glory! It's so good to be home :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean by boring worship? If worship is done with the right heart and spirit, it is never boring. I guess that just touched a nerve. :)