“I hope God isn’t punishing me but it sure feels like it.” I heard these words from a good friend last night. It broke my heart and I wanted to do something. It didn’t shock me that it was happening because suffering is a part of life. But, I wanted to change the situation, solve the problem or even get involved to try and help ease the suffering. Suffering is a part of life. If you want God to use you greatly, then you must allow God to wound you deeply. Its the story of the Bible.

Paul said in Eph. 3.1 – I Paul, a prisoner of Christ Jesus… but Paul wasn’t in prison by Jesus. Paul saw that because he was in prison by Nero he was identifying with Christ therefore, a prisoner. He saw his time of suffering all for the sake of the cause; Gentiles have access to the Father and Paul was willing to suffer for that cause. In all likely hood Paul suffered so that you and I could know the Good News of Christ's salvation!
Paul’s suffering had benefits and so can yours. John Calvin said that everything that happens to us passes through the hands of God. Once again the Apostle Pual, “above all this, there something glorious and good to be had through this suffering.” I wonder as Paul suffered if he thought of Isaiah, the suffering servant?
So why is the first question that comes to most of our minds when faced with suffering, “is God punishing me?” Please know this, I am not casting stones. I am the finest whiner when it comes to problems that has ever walked this earth. But why are we shocked?
Hebrews 2:10 says that Jesus was made perfect through his… suffering. God became a sympathetic High Priest. We will never be able to lead or help others if we haven’t suffered. Suffering releases you to serve. Suffering, if allowed, can birth in us a love for Jesus as we get to know our suffering High Priest.
I wish I would think more deeply in my suffering instead of feel more deeply. Until I think through it I cannot seem to move through it. I think sanctification (becoming holy or more like Christ) is turbo charged in our life through suffering.
Jesus didn’t suffer so we don’t have to, He suffered so that when we suffer we might become like Him.
What do you think?
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