Illinois Ministries

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

I Need One More Stupid Thing to Complete the List

10 Stupid Things Churches Do To Keep From Growing

I am thinking about writing a separate blog on each of these stupid things that churches do to keep from growing.  I need one more idea.  Do you disagree with any of them?  Would you change the list?  How about adding one for me?  Once the list is complete, I will talk about each one.

1) Trying to do everything.  Be Simple
2) Establishing the wrong role for the Pastor.
3) Provide a 2nd rate worship experience.
4) Settling for babysitting instead of children's ministry
5) Talent over holiness
6) Refusing to update the facility because it's good enough
7) Trying to be just like another church
8) Lifting discipline higher than reconciliation
9) Letting committees define the vision and direction


  1. Keeping up with the times instead of remembering the basics of being a christian

  2. I like your list. I'll add two for your consideration:

    1. Failing to make disciples who make disciples.
    2. Us over them. We serve ourselves first rather than those who still need Jesus.
