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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Leading Strategic Change

How do churches change? How can a church change? I think the answers to these type of questions lie in a foundational truth that most people with a fractional understanding of the church grasp. The local church is made up of people. The Church of God is made up of everyone that is a follower of Jesus Christ. The question is never how do we change the Church of God. God forbid! The Church of God is beautiful and ready for the bridegroom to return. The question is always about the local church. How do we get the local church to be more effective? How can we get the local church on target? How does the local church make disciples?

This is the first of several writings on Leading Strategic Change in the local church.

Black and Gergersen in their book Leading Strategic Change states that change in organizations must start internally with the people in the organization. Most other leadership books focus on the external changes that need to be made but these authors propose that change starts within. It starts by remaping individuals within the organization.

The next blog will talk about what it means to remap ourselves and others. Until then, think about what it means to remap.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pastor Eric. This is Erwin Lee. This is great info. Look forward to the next blog.
