Illinois Ministries

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stay the Course

Supposedly a 18 year old is suppose to make it through college in four years.  It was my goal to graduate in four years when I attended Anderson College (now University) because of the debt that both my wife and I were receiving upon graduation.  My question is, how can a 18 year old possibly know how to launch a major and stay the course?  I suppose it is possible.  I started in music, switched to education and ended in ministry, and I knew what I wanted!   That change came because I sensed a calling to ministry.  That one calling allowed be to set my course and by the grace of God and not great academics, I graduated in four years.

As I consult with churches and talk with leaders I am convinced that one of the main reasons churches are wandering in the desert is that they haven't heard the call.  Or as my friend John called it today at lunch 'revelation received'.  How can you stay the course when you don't know the direction or when you haven't heard the call?

Once you are convinced of the direction, ministry is not about spinning plates or new programs.  It's about living each day on mission.  It's not about being driven but showing up where your body is and recognizing the moments for what they are... it is what it is!

I had a pastor ask last night, "how do you get a vision?"  I am going to write about that next but would love to hear your comments before I write... 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your blog today, Eric. It was very timely for me. I just finished having lunch with my daughter (who, by the way, I hope to be just like when I grow up), who was doing her best to encourage her older and wiser pastor/father who has been discouraged because the vision and direction I have felt so secure in doesn’t seem to be materializing as quickly, nor as smoothly, as I hoped. Your statement… “It's about living each day on mission. It's not about being driven but showing up where your body is and recognizing the moments for what they are... it is what it is!”…spoke to me today. I look over the railing from up on “The Porch” in our sanctuary, and see exciting things that I believe the future will bring. But, I have trouble living “in the meantime” showing up where my body is and recognizing the moments for the great blessings they are. I think one of the hardest things to do in living a vision is living in the meantime.
