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Friday, August 16, 2013

Number 2 - The Role of the Pastor

What are the main disciplines of a pastor?  What should the disciplines be?  I have been writing about stupid things churches do to keep from growing.  I submit these thoughts humbly and with over 30 years of front line experience in ministry.  I have no ax to grind  by writing this blog, my vision for IL Ministries is to create healthy and growing churches and I  believe that a healthy role for the Lead Pastor contributes greatly to the health of the church.

Here are the main disciplines that Lead Pastors (single staff or multiple staff) should be doing with their time:

1) The Discipline of Prayer - For guidance and wisdom, For fresh vision, For ministry leaders and staff, For ministries, For people in the congregation, For the lost, For insight to scripture, For family... This role of shepherding cannot be done in five minute devotional times or a prayer in the shower.  Pastors  need blocks of time in the work schedule for this type of leadership.  The pastor needs to be provided a place in the church for a nice study or office that is quiet and lends for an atmosphere that is suited for their time with God.  It needs to be obvious in the witness of the pastor that he or she is a praying person.  Let me confess that this has always been the most difficult discipline in my ministry and still is to this day.  Just because it is difficult, it doesn't mean that it can be forgotten or ignored.  I have to schedule it on my calendar just like any other meeting.   I wish congregations would learn to hold the pastor accountable for this discipline more than "remembering birthdays,  visiting your neighbor in the hospital, or writing a thank you letter to the CWC for providing lunch to newcomers".  This is the most important role of the pastor.

2) The Discipline of Equipping the Saints -   I spoke with a lay leader yesterday that asked me, "How can I tell my pastor that he doesn't have to do everything because I want to learn to do ministry? I may not do it as well as him at first but I know I would get better. I want to serve."  Pastor, Equip the saints! I remember many years ago, Joyce looked at me one Sunday while I was setting up communion.  Joyce was always at church early because her daughter was setting up for children's church.  Joyce said, "Why don't you teach me how to do that and I will  take care of it from now on?"  I replied, "that's okay Joyce, I am used to it" and kept on walking.  She followed me into the sanctuary and said, "sit down." 

"Son", she said, "you are a great preacher. I love it when you sing and play the piano.  It is very obvious you love the people in this church. But what you are doing is wrong. You have to stop doing everything around here. I have never seen a preacher do all the work."  Joyce was 30 years my senior and she was right.  Joyce also served on my Elder Board and that next meeting we talked about the discussion and my role changed. My elders changed my Job Description that night and it set me on a new course of leadership.  I hired a coach - I changed my reading and praying habits - I learned the difference between dumping a ministry on the saints to equipping the saints!

3) The Discipline of Leadership and Casting Vision -  Whether the vision is developed by a group of leaders, a congregation or a pastor gets the vision on a mountain top - He has to be the one that drives the vision.  Pastors, learn how to cast vision.

4) The Discipline of Teaching, Preaching and Study - Handle this discipline with expertise and planning.  Plan ahead - God deserves to have time to speak to you in preparation.  The Spirit deserves to develop a message.  A lack of planning and thinking lends itself to sloppy preaching.  The congregation doesn't expect you to preach like Arlo Newell, Dave Sebastian, James Earl Massey or Ray Chin.  However, they deserve to hear from a man or woman of God that has been with Jesus and the message has been developed and inspired by the Holy Spirit.

There are many other things that pastors need to do and do well.  Notice what is not on the list.  If you are pastor, notice what occupies most of your time. Take the time this week to think about how much more effective you could be if you learned to develop these 4 disciplines.

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