Illinois Ministries

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

All I Hear Is Silence

I have a favorite spot for my quiet time.  When I’m in Decatur it’s a chair next to a window that overlooks a huge oak tree and the corner of Camp Warren’s Lake.  I can also see my office but I try to position the chair so that the office is not in view.  Otherwise I end up thinking about the long list of people to call, articles to write, books to read, preparation for an upcoming weekend with a church and… you guessed it, my quiet time of prayer becomes a “thanks for this day Lord, I’m off to serve you!”
This morning, the chair was positioned just right.  The stack of work on the desk was not on my mind.  It was a sweet time.  A time of the refreshing presence of the Lord.  But it was cold.  I was sitting in my shorts and a t-shirt with a quilt over my legs but I couldn’t get warm.  The draft from the mobile home window was like a fan blowing cold air directly on me. 
My spirit was warm.  Thoughts in my mind were rich.  My body was cold.  As easy as you think it would have been to get up from that chair, I just couldn’t.  You see, for me, moments of God’s presence don’t hit me every morning.  I know it does for some and I’m confident that it’s my issue and not God.  I can blame it on ministry issues, family stuff, or preoccupation with something but the truth is, I don’t always take the time to press into the presence of God.  Life is too loud that sometimes all I hear is silence. 
Even in the silence I know that God loves, guides and cares for me.  What usually emerges on the other side of silence is a day like today when I press into the presence and stand more whole and complete.  I’m not advocating for silence. I’m just saying, it happens.  I don’t fear the silence for I’ve been in this long enough to know that I will pass through the strong, competent hands of the Savior when the silence is gone.  It’s sweet.  Once I stand on the other side of the experience, I say with the author of Romans, that ‘nothing in all creation will be able to separate me (or freeze me) from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”


  1. Silence time is good. Great picture Brother,.. except the "shorts and t-shirt with the quilt over your legs." Blessings

  2. Thanks for the thoughts and I am with John on the mental picture. Have a great day Pastor.

  3. i have a husband, four children, a home office and a church plant. silence is truly golden to me. it's also rare and treasured and absolutely needed. can i hear God through the noise of life? yep. can i hear Him in silence? yes! in the discipline of silence, i can hear the Lord clearly. i love the noise of my family. i also appreciate the practiced quiet of prayer and meditation where my Father, strengthens, guides and directs me.

    nice blog...

  4. I won't be like John and Joel, Eric and mention the shorts and T-shirt...although I was wondering if you had the sweater vest on?
    Thanks for another reminder that so many of us need about the importance of spending truly quiet times in the presence of God! I was reminded of the Scripture in Acts 3:19: "Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, SO THAT times of REFRESHING may come from the presence of the Lord."

    Talk with you soon! And one more comment: I'm not sure if everytime you write something on your blog, you send an email about it, but if so, I'm more likely to click on the link and read it! I'll follow it and look forward to more! --> Jeremy M.

  5. Thanks Eric! It's refreshing to know that most all of us experience the same challenge and blessing. As a Father of 1 adult and 3 small children, "I get it!" I appreciate you and looking forward to connecting very soon. Stan

  6. Thanks, Eric. Great post. Thoughtful. Encouraging. True!

  7. As I sit here this morning looking at the snow fall it is such a joy to see Gods beauty.

  8. i live in a very quite place on a lake, a lot of the noise i do hear is from geese and ducks, soon enough the new baby ducks and swans and fish will be jumping. I always wanted to find a quite place, now i have it. Quite time with God is essential for every day. We work for Him, you must ask the boss what your job is today. The mute button on the remote is my favorite. whether we're in a house full of kids or all alone, we still have to seek out that quite place.

  9. That was great. I understand you Pastor Eric. (Should I admit that publicly? lol) It seems like God knows just when to give us those amazing moments. His ability to see us, to hear us, to speak to us, and to feel us are all amazing. However, it seems you, like me, are still most moved by His ability to touch us. Our God is worthy of all praise. Be blessed my brother. You encourage my soul! -Pastor Kevin
