I have spoken about my philosophy of flying many times in different talks that I have given. Basically, "Look down, no eye contact, be friendly, and get me to my destination." I don't see it as a chance to have a captive audience or an opportunity to make a new friend. That may be wrong - I admit that. But last night was different. I was flying from St Louis (on a plane with a few Cardinal Fans) flying to Atlanta to spend a week with friends who do the same sort of thing that I do - only they them better, so I am coming to learn, but they don't know that!
The last guy on the plane carried a guitar case - he was older than me but vibrant and full of life. Looking a little disappointed he was the last one on the flight, he found a place for his guitar case and sat in the middle seat next to me. It was the 3rd best seat on the plane - the middle seat in the exit row with enough leg room to stretch and enjoy the flight.
Out of my mouth, before I could stop the words, I said, "You have to be a musician." What did I do? I broke my philosphy - the cardinal (had to use the word) rule: I spoke first! This is not a good practice and I hung my head in shame. He replied, "I am a composer."
He went on to tell me that an 20 year old dream and just come true. A vision that I held dear for 20 years, was just recorded two weeks ago by the London Symphony Orchestra, recorded at the Abbey Road Studio.
What? I said. He assured me that it truly was. An orchestration that he had been working and dreaming about for 20 years, telling everyone he could meet, playing it over and over for family and friends... the vision fell into to the right hands and within five minutes, the conductor of the London Symphony said he loved it and as soon as the orchestra came back in session - they would record it.
While he held his dream, he sold real estate in Naples, FL. I am not sure of the other sacrifices or other jobs he held during his dream. I am not sure what other cost he paid - but he never gave up. I have no idea how many people thought, "give up!". I was moved to tears as he told me his story. While I watched the Cubs Game on a plane with Cardinals fans; tears came quicker as he shared his life story all for the dream. Oh great, I am going to cry and the Cubs are winning. Fortunately, I was not the only man on the plane crying because the Cardinals were losing.
He was already a great man, I could tell. He came from incredible roots. His father accomplished historic amazing things for the city of St Louis in the 60's and 70's including the vision of the Arch. He was not a stranger to success. Even selling real estate in Naples was a sign of success.
But the dream was still in his heart. The vision wasn't realized. Great things he had done but the best was still alive in his heart. What could he do? He worked his job, lived his life, played his music but the unrecorded, unheard musical was only alive in his heart.
Then one day, he shared it to the right person, who shared it with the right person and two weeks later he is skyping with the conductor of the London Symphony as they recorded his masterpiece. The story behind "Queen of Hearts" is the life story of Princess Diana.
I wanted to hear it but wouldn't dare ask if I could have it? I inquired about iTunes and he said, not yet but it will be. As we neared Atlanta Airport he said, "Eric, could I share it with you? I can email it to you." I replied, "Of course, you made my day. You have talked about your dream, I want to hear it."
He emailed it to me. I just happened to pack my BOSE speaker (Bluetooth portable and amazing) - with my BOSE fully charged I opened the email and heard it.
Once again, moved to tears as I listened to this dream, a vision that embraces an artist's values and passion - it is one of the finest interpretations of love, honor, prestige, excitement, majestic... friends, it was amazing.
I had ordered room service, the young lady who delivered my salad said, "that's beautiful Mr Livingston, it sounds like it is from England, is it?" I fought back the tears again... Geesh was a sap!
I said, "I met the composer tonight and just am listening it to for the 2nd time, and yes, it was recorded by the London Symphony... for the Queen of Hearts and her life story." She said, "My mom would love it, she loved Princess Diana."
I told her, "I am guessing she will hear it -- very soon -- because there is something viral about it."
This beautiful dark skinned young girl smiled and said, "It really is beautiful, I am from England and I think they will like it."
It would be wrong for me to share the link but you will hear it soon enough - Queen of Hearts recorded first by the London Symphony at the Abbey Road Studio - October 18.
A day that a vision became alive! After 20 years.
Thanks for sharing it with me Craig Cervantes - for sharing your story, your vision, a 90 minutes of your life with a guy who usually sits with head down, facing forward and engaging with no one. I wonder how many other stories I have missed with this selfish philosophy.